A Walk in the Park

By Elida Ambriz 

In a stroll of the

   dirt path trail            stepping between the

           maze of roots and stones 

     Slithering left and right.


Hoping not to get lost in

           the voyage of the forest,

   the dirt path is as upcoming fog

                  It seems clear then fades again.

All the birds are getting quiet

            the jumping squirrels hidden in the trees.

                        Looking through all the direction of what a compass has, 

                                   Where did everyone go?

     The roaring lions suddenly 

           moving the giants up above.

    A chill going across one's back,

         knowing that is not just roaring wind.


Hurrying! To finish the path

                                             the scent of water

                                                                        strengthens as the taste

                                                                                                            getting closer to the end.